Forex trading offers great potential profit, but also includes high risk. Before you start trading with Ghost Trader Expert Advisor you should consider your objectives, trading experience and risk tendencies. You should be aware of the possibility of losing some or, in worst case, all your investments. Historical results of trading system or Forex strategy can`t guarantee a profit in the future. When you start trading with Ghost Trader Expert Advisoror using education signals you agree with the fact that software developer and owner of this page is free of any responsibility for you trading results. All trading that you perform on your real accounts you do at your own risk only. When buying our software it will be considered that you completely accept these conditions. Developer of FX EKSPERT OÜ software and their representatives and affiliates can`t be considered as financial adviser. Telegram signal channel is created for informative and education purposes and using these infomations cant be considered as investment advice.