
Trading bitcoin in Forex – how does it work?

In recent years, bitcoin has become a speculative transaction for individuals that are looking for an alfa from alternative assets and a possible hedging against the uncertainty of worldwide currencies. Bitcoin (BTC) is a digital floating currency that is linked with USA dollar like a foreign currency (forex). Unlike gold, there's no physical asset to base the price on. Debate on whether bitcoin should be considered as a legal tender has been sped up thanks [...]

Trading bitcoin in Forex – how does it work?2019-05-22T19:10:33+03:00

Trading platforms

What is a trading platform? A trading platform is software that is used to open, close and manage market positions through financial brokers. Brokers often offer free or discounted trading platforms in order to keep a financed account and/or make a set number of transactions in one month. Basis of a trading platform It's a software that allows investors and traders to trade and monitor accounts through financial brokers. The platform ofter comes with additional [...]

Trading platforms2019-05-20T16:21:48+03:00

What is a dollar-bear?

Who is a dollar-bear? A dollar-bear is a forex trader or speculator that uses a pessimistic strategy when trading USD against other currencies. This strategy assumes that USD decreases in time against other main currencies and the trader considers that factor when they position investment portfolios. A dollar-bear works to protect themselves against the inevitable decreasing of USD by using moves like liquidation of assets. Definition of a dollar-bear A dollar-bear trader picks a strategy [...]

What is a dollar-bear?2019-05-20T10:55:03+03:00

What is a weak dollar?

Definition of a weak dollar Weak dollar is a situation where the value of USA dollar is decreasing against one or several foreign currencies. It basically means that for one weak dollar you get less foreign currency. Not only economical reasons but different factors may bring a periodical weak USA dollar. The term 'weak dollar' is used to describe a longer period, compared to a 24-48 hour decreasing of the dollar. Weak dollar explication Just [...]

What is a weak dollar?2019-05-20T10:02:22+03:00

Forex market: who trades currencies and why?

The foreign exchange or forex market is the biggest financial market in the world - even bigger than stock market with a daily volume of 5.1 triljon dollars in comparison to the stock markets 84 billion dollars. The forex market has many unique qualities that may suprise new traders. In this article we will look more at forex and the how and why traders choose this trading way more and more. What is forex? Foreign [...]

Forex market: who trades currencies and why?2019-05-13T19:16:38+03:00

How to become a successful part-time forex trader?

Trading part-time may be a good way to increase your income. There are enough hours in the day for trading on this potentially rewarding market, even if you work a full-time job. In this article we have brought out some tips that could help you do that. Key points of successful trading in the forex market In order to be successful, you need to specialize on currency pairs that are being traded when you have [...]

How to become a successful part-time forex trader?2019-05-06T13:30:46+03:00

Currency pair definition

What is a currency pair? A currency pair is a trading instrument that's basis is the changing of one currencies value against another. The first one named in the pair is is called base currency and the second one a quote currency. Currency pairs compare the values of the first and second currency, which shows how much quote currency you need to buy base currency. They are marked with an ISO code or an three [...]

Currency pair definition2019-05-06T08:51:24+03:00

What is spread betting?

Spread betting is a speculation, that is making a bet on the price movement of a security. A betting company quotes two prices, the bid and the ask/offer and the investors will bet whether the price of security will be lower than the bid or higher than the ask/offer. The investor doesn't own the securities, they just speculate about the price movement. Spread betting explication Spread bettings allow investors to speculate over price movements with [...]

What is spread betting?2019-05-02T18:51:12+03:00

How does leverage work in the forex market?

The concept of financial leverage is used by companies and investors. Investors use it to significantly increase the profits they get from investments. They use different tools like futures and margin accounts. Companies can use leverage to finance their assets, which means they can use debt-claims instead of including capital in order to invest in business and increase the worth of shareholders. Using forex leverage Investors use leverage in forex to get a profit from [...]

How does leverage work in the forex market?2019-05-02T10:49:35+03:00

9 of the best forex trading tips

The best traders polish their skills through practice or discipline, they go through self-analyzing in order to see, what drives their trading and help learn how to keep away fear and greed. Even experts may find tips and tricks to help them make smarter and more benefitial deals. Define your goals and choose an appropriate trading style Before any trip you an idea of your destination and how to get there. It is very important [...]

9 of the best forex trading tips2019-04-29T15:28:56+03:00