
How to calculate an exchange rate?

Exchange rate is what it costs to exchange one currency to another. It sways often during the week because currencies are being actively exchanged. That makes the price go up and down just like with other assets like stocks or gold. The market price of currencies (how many american dollars it is to buy canadian dollars) is priced differently from when you are exchanging currencies in a bank. Here you can read how exchange rates [...]

How to calculate an exchange rate?2019-04-29T13:25:27+03:00

What are stocks and how do they work?

Clever investing is important in order to achieve financial success and fulfill your goals. If you already have or you're still working on an investing strategy, it most likely involves stocks in some form. A historical result is what makes investing in the stock market so popular. In the years 1930 - 2013 the average profit of  the S&P 500 index was 9.7%. Even though it includes especially tough years and very good years, this [...]

What are stocks and how do they work?2019-04-26T15:21:51+03:00

Forex (FX) definition and ways to use

What is Forex (FX)? Forex (FX) is a market, where currencies are being exchanged. Forex market is the biggest liquid market in the world where every day people exchange trillions of dollars. It doesn't have a fixed location, it's rather an electronic network of banks, institutions, brokers and single traders (who mostly trade through brokers or banks). They post their orders to sell or buy currencies in a network so that they can communicate with [...]

Forex (FX) definition and ways to use2019-04-26T13:19:46+03:00

When to consider closing trades manually with a small loss in order to avoid bigger drawdowns?

The robot works on a M30 timeframe which doesn't give much information to analyze the market. One candle represents 30 minutes, so in short on the graph you see little information. In order to analyze the general movement of a pair in a bigger picture, pick D1 from the timeframe. On this graph every candle represents 1 day of trading. By looking at the graphic below, you can see that the general market movements are [...]

When to consider closing trades manually with a small loss in order to avoid bigger drawdowns?2019-04-26T09:31:38+03:00